Professional Development
National Art Education Association
Throughout my teaching career, I have been a singular art teacher in my area. For most of my career, I was actually the only art teacher in the school. Though recently we have expanded so that there are other teachers, we divide the media taught so I am still solo in my curriculum development. One voice, one perspective, one direction is never a good idea in the art world (or any world, if you ask me). So, to combat my solitude in my school, I have turned to the NAEA. I have been an active member of the NAEA from the beginning. Ever year possible I have attended the Convention and soaked up as much as I can of the wisdom, fresh perspectives, new technology and new understandings of how to teach art that my fellow art teachers present there. Each year I come back invigorated and full of ideas. It has been the lifeblood of my pedagogy, and I am eternally thankful every year I get to attend.
Below are notes from the most recent Conventions, as well as materials from other, various PD I have done.